Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 81

UDC: 635.615: 631.811
GSNTI: 68.33.29

Efficiency of application of new types and norms of water-soluble fertilizers in the technology of growing table watermelon under the conditions of the Volgograd Region

Information on cultivation of a watermelon of table Triumph on Bykovskaya melon breeding experimental station - branch of Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Federal scientific center of vegetable growing", Volgograd region is presented. As time has shown, the applied progressive technologies in vegetable and melon growing, increasing productivity, lead to contamination of products and soil. Therefore, to get out of this situation, methods of cultivation of these products are necessary, allowing to minimize the negative impact on the agroecosystem, to use natural resources comprehensively, taking into account the potential of new varieties of vegetables and melons. The basis for this should be the development of a system of agriculture, the components of which are: new types and norms of mineral and organic fertilizers, improved, environmentally safe agricultural techniques, low-cost technologies of cultivation of vegetables and melons. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that new rational methods for improving the technologies of cultivation of melons on the basis of expanding the range of new types of water-soluble fertilizers will be investigated and identified, which will increase yields and produce environmentally safe products. The use of new types of water-soluble fertilizers for processing plants for vegetation, as shown by the research of the current period, is a promising method of growing watermelon. An important issue in the application of water-soluble fertilizers is the question of identifying optimal norms that allow not only to strengthen the growth and development of plants, but also to obtain high yields of watermelon fruits without reducing their quality.
Keywords: Table watermelon, methods of application, water-soluble fertilizers, productivity, quality, nitrates
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-81-173-177


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  1. Ryabchikova Natalia Borisovna, Junior Researcher, Bykovskaya melon selection experimental station - a branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Production".
  2. Koleboshina Tatyana Gennadievna, DSc in Agriculture, Leading Researcher, Bykovskaya melon selection experimental station - a branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Production".
  3. Shaposhnikov Dmitry Sergeevich, Junior Researcher, Bykovskaya melon selection experimental station - a branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Production".
  4. Belov Sergey Ivanovich, Senior Researcher, Bykovskaya melon selection experimental station - a branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Production".