Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 81

UDC: 633.49
GSNTI: 68.37.13

Economic assessment of the use of insecticides - protectors in protection from the wires of the original seed potato

Accounting for the number of wireworms in the soil before the start of the experiment showed an average degree of population of the site by the pest, which ranged from 6 to 9 larvae per 1 m2. However, the damage to the tubers of the standard seed fraction (28-60 mm) varied significantly between the Charodey and Lomonosovskyvarieties.It is significantly lower on the Charodey variety, both in the control version and during the treatment with Tabu and Prestige insecticides. For this variety, preplanting treatment of tubers is sufficient to obtain potatoes that meet the regulatory requirements of GOST 33996-2016 for this indicator. The use of Tabu and Prestige insecticides reduced the damage to tubers of the Lomonosovsky variety relative to the values of the control variant by 3.3 and 5.4 times, respectively. The economic assessment of the use of insecticides-protectants in protection against wireworm showed a different value in terms of the lost profits. The lost profit directly depends on the drugs used, their effectiveness in influencing the life of the larvae of click beetles. Therefore, to evaluate a particular insecticide should not only in kind, but also in value, showing how much is the harm caused by wireworm.
Keywords: Processing insecticide, potato varieties, wireworm, damage to tubers, seed material
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-81-169-172


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  1. Rodionenkov Aleksandr Ivanovich, competitor for PhD degree, Federal State Budgetary Institution "Leningrad Research Institute of Agriculture "Belogorka".
  2. Shelabina Tamara Alekseyevna, Phd in Agriculture, Federal State Budgetary Institution "Leningrad Research Institute of Agriculture "Belogorka".
  3. Kuznetsov Aleksey Anatol'yevich, competitor for PhD degree, Federal State Budgetary Institution "Leningrad Research Institute of Agriculture "Belogorka".
  4. Zav'yalova Svetlana Alekseyevna, competitor for PhD degree, Federal State Budgetary Institution "Leningrad Research Institute of Agriculture "Belogorka".