Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 81

UDC: 633.367
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Development features and economic indicators of varieties uzkolistnylupin in the conditions north-west region

The success of the creation of new varieties of narrow-leaved lupine is largely determined by the presence of source material that carries various genetic characters. The main objective of our work is to give a comprehensive assessment (field and laboratory) of these samples, select and select the most promising varieties that meet all the requirements of the breeding process for the selection of parental pairs and further hybridization. When evaluating the variety samples, their important economic and biological characteristics were noted, on which the plant productivity and the yield of the variety depend - the height of the main stem; type of bush - determinant, indeterminate; the number of productive stems, the number and mass of grains in the bean, the number of beans and seeds per plant, the growing season. They also noted the manufacturability of the variety, its resistance to lodging and cracking of beans, friendly ripening, uniformity, crop stability over years, disease resistance, fusarium anthracneous growth and other diseases that have increased leafiness and limited branching ability, optimal weight of a thousand seeds, good swelling capacity of seeds and other useful indicators. During a two-year study, out of 27 varietal samples of the collection nursery, 9 varietal samples were selected that have the best indicators for economic and biological characteristics and adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the North-West region.
Keywords: Narrow-leаved lupine, collection, hybridization, genotype, economic and biological signs
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-81-114-118


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  1. Lysenko Olga Georgievna, competitor for PhD degree, Federal State Budget Institution «Leningrad research institute for agricultural science «Belogorka».