Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 80

UDC: 635.21:631.526.32
GSNTI: 68.35.13

Competetive potato varieties breeding in the Leningrad scientific research of agriculture “Belogorka”

The basis of potato productivity increase, as well as any other culture, is selection of varieties with high potential productivity, resistance to diseases and vermins. In the Leningrad Agricultural Research Institute “Belogorka” have been created three of such kind of potato cultivars. All these potato varieties are multi species hybrids. The article presents description of breeding method which gives an opportunity to obtain competitive potato varieties. New potato varieties Charoit, Kalibr and Serdolik average had advantages in yield comparing with Russian standard variety Nevskiy and foreign varieties Red Scarlett and Gala.
Keywords: Potato, variety, interspecific hybridization, crop capacity, competitive ability
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-80-77-79


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  1. Gadzhiev Nadim Mahish ogly, Phd in Agriculture, FSBI “Leningrad Agricultural Research Institute “Belogorka”.
  2. Lebedeva Vera Alexandrovna, DSc in Agriculture, FSBI “Leningrad Agricultural Research Institute “Belogorka”.
  3. Komarov Aleksey Andreyevich, researcher, FSBI “Leningrad Agricultural Research Institute “Belogorka”.
  4. Ivanov Andrey Victorovich, researcher, FSBI “Leningrad Agricultural Research Institute “Belogorka”.
  5. Sokolov Ivan Alekseyevich, junior researcher, FSBI “Leningrad Agricultural Research Institute “Belogorka”.