Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 80

UDC: 633.491:631.81:631.543.2
GSNTI: 68.35.49, 68.33.29, 68.35.03

The productivity of potato promising variety Siverskiy depending on methods of cultivation on sod-podzolic soils of the North-West Russia

The results of studies on the influence of a complex of agrotechnical methods of potato cultivation - the level of soil mineral nutrition and planting density - on the formation of productivity and quality of tubers of a new promising variety Siversky in the North-West of Russia are presented. The economic and biological characteristics of the variety with high economically valuable traits, resistant to cancer, golden potato nematode, and other pathogens are given. The study was conducted in 2016-2018. in the field crop rotation of the experimental field of the Leningrad Research Institute of Agriculture "Belogorka" on sod-podzolic light loamy medium cultivated soil. It has been established, that in favorable weather years against the background of natural soil fertility (without fertilizers), the variety forms a tuber crop of over 30 t/ha. The minimum yield (17.4-23.7 t/ha) was obtained in unfavorable 2016, the maximum - 30.4-40.0 t/ha-in 2018. On average,for three years, the use of mineral fertilizers in different doses contributed to an increase in the yield of Siversky by 4.6-5.4 t/ha, or 17.9-21.0%. The optimal planting density was established using the average seed fraction (45-52 mm) - 55 thousand pieces/ha, which together with the use of N90K90P90 provided the greatest increase in the yield of tubers - 8.1 t/ha, or 33.1% in relation to the control. The maximum contribution to the formation of tubers yield - 65.2% - was provided by the use of different doses of complete mineral fertilizer, while the contribution of the "density" factor was much smaller and amounted to 16.4%. The maximum contribution - 65.2% - to the formation of the tuber crop was made by the use of different doses of full mineral fertilizer, while the contribution of the “density” factor was much smaller and amounted to 16.4%.
Keywords: Potatoes, variety, mineral fertilizers, planting density, yield, quality of tubers, contribution factor
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-80-51-56


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  1. Balakina Svetlana Vitalyevna, PhD in Agriculture, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Leningrad Research Institute of Agriculture "Belogorka".