Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 80

UDC: 633"321":633.31/.37(470.345)
GSNTI: 68.35.03

The state of seed production of spring grain and leguminous crops in the Republic of Mordovia

In the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Mordovia, grain farming is a strategic and at the same time multi-purpose, multifunctional and system-forming industry. In the conditions of intensification of the economy, a special place in determining the effectiveness of crop production is given to breeding and seed production. Seed production is currently in a state in which without the active assistance of the state cannot function normally. The objects of this study were agricultural enterprises in the Republic of Mordovia, on the basis of which the state of seed production of spring grain and leguminous crops for 2014-2018 was analyzed. In the Republic of Mordovia annually sown about 105-110 thousand tons of seeds of cereals, legumes and cereals. In the Republic of Mordovia annually sown about 105-110 thousand tons of seeds of cereals, legumes and cereals. In 2018, 43.62 thousand tons of winter crops and 65.67 thousand tons of spring grains and legumes were sown. Of these, 97.8 % met the requirements of GOST. In the Republic of Mordovia, systematic work is carried out to improve the varietal qualities of seeds. Varietal composition of seeds of spring wheat, barley and peas sown in the Republic of Mordovia shows positive changes in terms of variety change and variety renewal.
Keywords: Seed-growing, spring grains and legumes, variety, varietal and sowing qualities of seeds
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-80-124-129


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  1. Erofeev Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, Phd in Agriculture, head, Branch "Rosselkhoztsentr" in Republic of Mordovia.
  2. Lyalechkin Oleg Aleksandrovich, deputy head, Branch "Rosselkhoztsentr" in Republic of Mordovia.
  3. Zaharkina Regina Alexandrovna, Phd in Economics, head of the Department of finance and accounting, Saransk cooperative Institute (branch) Russian University of cooperation.
  4. Kargin Vasily Ivanovich, DSc in Agriculture, professor of chair of technology of production and processing of agricultural products, National Research Mordovia State University.
  5. Salnikova Alina Vladimirovna, student, National Research Mordovia State University.