Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 79

UDC: 636.5:614.48
GSNTI: 68.41.29

Pathohistological examination of the respiratory system of broiler chickens after aerosol disinfection of air in the presence of poultry

The amounts of the opportunistic and pathogenic microflora in the air and on the inner surfaces of a poultry house for broiler chicks (especially floor-housed) substantially grow during the rearing cycle. Therefore, the disinfection of populated poultry houses is an important integral part of any program of the prophylaxis and control of infectious diseases in broilers. However, the disinfection of a populated poultry house can be hazardous for poultry health. Our study was aimed at the anatomic and histopathological investigation of the respiratory organs of broiler chicks after aerosol air disinfection in the poultry house with 0.1% solution of new polycomposite disinfectant “MAGO Virodex”. The broilers were allotted to two treatments with similar live bodyweight (35 birds per treatment), control and experimental; the air in the box for experimental treatment was disinfected at 14, 21, and 28 days of broilers’ age using “cold fog” method. The resulting reduction of the microbial loads decreased mortality level in the experimental treatment by 5.7%. The post mortem examination of broilers after the slaughter at 35 days of age revealed no pathological changes in the respiratory organs in the experimental treatment. The microscopy of the respiratory organs also revealed the absence of histopathological changes, structural abnormalities, or irreversible pathological processes induced by any exogenous factor in comparison with the control treatment. Certain changes were found related to the potential of physiological adaptation of birds to external stressors. These changes were found exclusively in the tracheal mucus, i.e. in the tissue that directly contacts with the external air.
Keywords: Broiler chicks, mortality, aerosol disinfection of populated poultry house, disinfectants, histopathological investigation, disinfectant MAGO Virodex
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-79-194-200


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  1. Saleeva Irina Pavlovna, DSc in Agriculture, Professor of RAS, Corresponding Member of RAS, Chief Researcher, Federal Scientific Center “All-Russian Research and Technological Poultry Institute” of RAS.
  2. Zhuravchuk Evgeniya Vladimirovna, Junior Researcher; Department of the Technology of Poultry Production, Federal Scientific Center “All-Russian Research and Technological Poultry Institute” of RAS.
  3. Zaremskya Anna Alekseevna, Junior Researcher; Department of the Technology of Poultry Production, Federal Scientific Center “All-Russian Research and Technological Poultry Institute” of RAS.
  4. Dilekova Olga Vladimirovna, DSc in Veterinary, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Parasitology, FSBEI HE “Stavropol State Agrarian University”.
  5. Kolesnikova Margarita Sergeevna, aspirant of Epizootiology and Microbiology Department, FSBEI HE “Stavropol State Agrarian University”.