Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 79

UDC: 338.439.62
GSNTI: 06.75.10, 06.75.55

Aspects of small farming agricultural forms development regulation

In the modern practice of small agricultural forms managing, there are problems in their formation and functioning, especially in lending, logistics and sales. Small regional agricultural management problems are the object of our study and they need special attention, while the subject is organizational, economic, managerial, economic and social relations. The research methodology is presented by empirical, theoretical methods and techniques of economic research. The concept of small agricultural forms of management is specified with the emphasis on its difference from the definition "small forms of management" by inclusion in their structure of house, country, other possible ways of conducting agricultural production with the possible organization of their cooperation. The importance of classification features of small business is conditioned by the practice of state financial flows growing directed to budget investment injections for the purpose of the small agricultural production development acceleration. The economic mechanism of small business entities development regulation has been improved, supplemented by the author's suggestion to involve a block of active participation of the farmers themselves to maintain an independent and transparent procedure of obtaining grants for further development of production in terms of public-private co-financing. The decision-making process on subsidies is proposed to be built on the basis of regulatory regulations in compliance with the levels of investment initiatives co-financing with the mandatory participation of small entities and taking into account the stage of their development. The practical relevance of this block is explained by the insufficient transparency of the modern mechanism of state subsidies distribution implemented by subjective decisions of the regional agricultural ministries management.
Keywords: Small forms of farming, definitions, subsidies, regulatory mechanism, decision - making, equity financing
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-79-19-23


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  1. Grishin Evgeniy Viktorovich, senior teacher, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.