Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 79


Zamotajlov A.S., Volkova G.V.,

9-th international research-and-production conference “Crop protection against hazardous organisms” (P. 5-10)


Gowda V.V., Degaltseva Z.V., Kruglyak Z.I., Velichko K.A.,

Development of theory and methodology of management accounting in agriculture (P. 11-18)

Grishin E.V.,

Aspects of small farming agricultural forms development regulation (P. 19-23)

Kovalenko L.V., Seraya N.N.,

Evaluation of the condition and production development prospects of winter wheat in the Krasnodar Territory (P. 23-28)

Baranovskaya T.P., Vostroknutov A.E.,

Development of indicators system to assess the business model of small business agricultural organizations (P. 28-33)

Melnikov A.B., Shevkunenko M.Y.,

Criminalization of Agrarian and Industrial Complex as a threat to the economic security of Russia (P. 33-38)

Nikiforova Y.A.,

Methodology for estimating the efficiency of state regulation of Agriculture (P. 38-44)

Prudnikov A.G., Zakharenko A.M.,

Incomplete production as a liquidity factor in agricultural assets of agricultural organizations (P. 45-50)

Pavlov D.A., Nikitin V.M., Koteneva D.A.,

Optimal freight agricultural products transportation planning based on non-deterministic data (P. 51-55)

Osenniy V.V., Frantsisko O.Y.,

Prospects for application of methods and means of simulation in the agrarian field (P. 55-60)

Reznichenko D.S., Lutskevich O.V.,

Development of methodology of financial investments internal audit (P. 61-68)

Loiko V.I., Baranovskaya T.P., Vostroknutov A.E.,

Methodology for determining the stage of the life cycle of organizations that are part of agro-industrial corporations (P. 69-74)

Bedlovskaya I.V., Gorlo V.E.,

Bioecological basis of winter rape protection from the complex of fungal disease in the central zone of the Krasnodar Territory (P. 75-79)

Khomitskyi E.E., Zamotajlov A.S., Belyi A.I., Bondarenko A.S.,

Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in agrobiocenoses of the Kuban Region: a retrospective overview of the researches (P. 80-89)

Geras'kina T.V.,

Accumulation of pollutants in raspberry berries and foliage depending on the varietal characteristics (P. 89-96)

Doroshenko T.N., Ryazanova L.G., Gorbunov I.V., Gegechkori B.S., Bozhkov V.V.,

Features of creation of compacted plantations of apple tree in the south of the European part of Russia: morphophysiological aspects (P. 97-103)

Dyadyuchenko L.V., Taranenko V.V., Dmitrieva I.G.,

Study of growth-regulating properties of 2-alkyltionionicotinonitrile derivatives on winter wheat plants (P. 103-108)

Evstratova L.P., Evseeva G.V., Smirnov S.N., Nikolaeva E.V.,

Bioresource potential of the legume-gramineous perennial grasses with Medicago varia Mart. in the conditions of Karelia (P. 108-114)

Kaigorodova E.A., Barchukova A.Y., Pestunova S.A., Tosunov Y.K., Chernysheva N.V.,

Efficacy of a number of pyridine-3-carboxamides and their derivatives on winter wheat (P. 115-121)

Kravchenko R.V., Novikova A.A., Osipov Y.F.,

Dependence of winter barley harvest on the level of effective soil fertility, main fertilizer, precursor and genotype (P. 122-126)

Varfolomeeva N.I., Provorchenko A.V.,

Cherry trees root system structure on the clone rootstock VSL-2 depending on planting scheme (P. 126-131)

Telezhenko T.N., Savva A.P., Suvorova V.A.,

New postburnished herbicide Geyser, KKR for combating double and cereal weed on soi crops (P. 131-134)

Shchurov V.I., Zamotajlov A.S., Skvortsov M.M., Shchurova A.V., Belyi A.I.,

Study on population characteristics of the alien phytophage insect species (Insecta: Heteroptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera) in forests of the Northwestern Caucasus: 2010-2019 practice (P. 135-158)


Egorov I.A., Egorova T.V., Krivoruchko L.I., Nikonov I.N.,

Food protein reserves based on the by-products of the alcohol and brewing industry (P. 159-167)

Vysochina E.S., Krasochko I.A., Chernykh O.Y., Koshchaev A.G., Lysenko A.A.,

Distribution, causes and prevention of dyspepsia (P. 167-175)

Karatunov V.A., Tuzov I.N., Chernyshkov A.S., Zasemchuk I.V., Panfilova G.I.,

Influence of fodder protein supplement on the growth and development of young cattle (P. 176-182)

Kuzminova E.V., Semenenko M.P., Dolgov E.P., Turchenko A.N., Kudinova S.P.,

Study of the efficiency of the antitoxic complex based on secondary plant resources in combined poultry mycotoxicosis (P. 183-189)

Nazarov M.V., Kazarinov V.A., Rudneva Y.A., Dzamykhova D.N.,

Differential diagnostics, treatment and prevention of uterine subinvolution in cows (P. 190-193)

Saleeva I.P., Zhuravchuk E.V., Zaremskya A.A., Dilekova O.V., Kolesnikova M.S.,

Pathohistological examination of the respiratory system of broiler chickens after aerosol disinfection of air in the presence of poultry (P. 194-200)

Semenov V.A., Rodin I.A., Vinokurova D.P., Okolelova A.I., Rodin M.I.,

Control of fetal development in female black sea bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus ponticus Barabash, 1940) in the first half of pregnancy (P. 200-206)

Stepanov A.V., Bykova O.A., Loretz O.G., Chechenikhina O.S., Koshchaev A.G.,

Productive longevity and dairy productivity of cows depending on living weight at the first successful insemination (P. 207-213)

Tishchenko A.S., Novikova E.N., Stepanenko A.V.,

Influence of E. coli inactivated toxin on animal blood indicators (P. 214-220)

Khairullin D.D., Ovsyannikov A.P., Zalyalyeva O.V., Faleeva S.A., Vorobyeva I.V.,

Toxicological estimation of the carbon-vitamin-mineral concentrat "Lizunets Solevit" (S-1) (P. 220-223)