Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 78

UDC: 633.854.54:632.488
GSNTI: 68.37.31

The primary screening of antagonist strains to the pathogen of oil flax Fusarium blight

The article presents the data on the primary screening of antagonist strains from the collection of the biomethod laboratory of V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops to one of the most widespread and aggressive types of the pathogen of oil flax Fusarium blight - Fusarium poae (Peck) Wollenw., Lewis. We conducted the screening by means of double and opposite crops. Of 24 tested strains of fungi antagonists 7 strains showed the highest antagonistic activity against the Fusarium blight pathogen Fusarium poae on the potato-sucrose agar (PSA) nutrient medium and the Rudakov nutrient medium. The maximum activity was shown by 4 strains of Trichoderma genus with a triple action mechanism: competition for feeding area (the growth area of nutrient medium is 70-90%), hyperparasitism (the size of hyperparasitic zone is 13-30 mm) and antibiotic activity (the size of sterile zone is 4-9 mm). The T-2 Trichoderma sp. strain of which was distinguished by the growth area of nutrient medium of 89-90%, the size of hyperparasitic zone of 13-30 mm and the sterile zone of 8 mm. The An-2 Aspergillus niger strain also demonstrated high activity with a double mechanism of action: competition for feeding area (the growth area of nutrient medium is 80-85%) and antibiotic activity (the size of sterile zone is 29-35 mm). Twelve strains were identified from the 27 collection strains of bacteria from the Bacillus genus. These 12 strains showed the highest antagonistic activity against the Fusarium blight pathogen on both nutrient media (Tylon and PSA). Six strains had a double mechanism of action: competition for feeding area and antibiotic activity. The strain of K 1-2 Bacillus sp. on the potato-sucrose agar and the strain of P-9 B. polymyxa on the Tylon nutrient medium were particularly distinguished. They showed high competition for feeding area (the growth area of nutrient medium is 70%) with the sterile zone size of 21-25 mm, respectively. Among the bacterial strains with only antibiotic activity, the maximum sterile zone was in strains B-12 B. licheniformis and 3-3 Bacillus sp. - 21-23 mm, respectively. We established that 5 strains of bacteria of the Bacillus genus (P-9 B. polymyxa, D 7-1 B. subtilis, K 1-2 Bacillus sp., 11-2 Bacillus sp. and 3-3 Bacillus sp.) showed activity on both nutrient media. Of the 9 Pseudomonas genus bacteria strains we determined the highest activity on the medium of potato-sucrose agar. The strains of 14-4 Pseudomonas and 15-1 Pseudomonas sp. had a double mechanism of action: competition for feeding area (the growth area of nutrient media of 60%) and abiotic activity with the size of sterile zone of 11-14 mm, respectively. The strain of 16-2 Pseudomonas sp. with the size of sterile zone of 23 mm was distinguished among the strains with only antibiotic activity.
Keywords: Fusarium blight, oil flax, Fusarium poae, screening, antagonist strains
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-78-91-98


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  1. Maslienko Lyubov Vasilievna, doctor of biology, senior researcher, FSBSI “Federal Scientific Ccentre “V.S.Pustovoit All-Russian scientific Research Institute of Oil Crops”.
  2. Voronkova Aliya Khizbullaevna, junior researcher, FSBSI “Federal Scientific Ccentre “V.S.Pustovoit All-Russian scientific Research Institute of Oil Crops”.
  3. Datsenko Lyubov Anatolievna, research assistant, FSBSI “Federal Scientific Ccentre “V.S.Pustovoit All-Russian scientific Research Institute of Oil Crops”.