Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 78

UDC: 658.155:631.11
GSNTI: 06.81.30

Problems of rating estimation of financial state of agricultural organizations

Rating assessment of financial condition of economic entities is one of the areas of analysis and management of financial stability, liquidity of property and solvency, capital turnover, profitability, creditworthiness, competitiveness. It makes it possible to compare the ratings of business entities in various fields of activity, objectively assess their business activity. However, the accuracy of financial condition assessment depends largely on its fundamental criteria. Domestic scientists have developed a number of methods of rating assessment of agricultural producers. The resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from 30.01.2003 No. 52 "About implementation of the Federal law and "About financial improvement of agricultural producers" offered the method of rating assessment of their financial condition [1]. According to the methodology, the rating assessment of the financial condition of agricultural producers is carried out according to six indicators: absolute liquidity ratios, critical assessment, current liquidity, availability of its own working capital, financial independence; financial stability in relation to the formation of reserves and costs. There were chosen the five classes of agricultural organizations for which there were set the limits according to the accepted criteria. The resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from 30.01.2003 № 52 "On the implementation of the Federal law and "On financial recovery of agricultural producers" proposed a rating method of their financial condition. According to the methodology, rating assessment of financial condition of agricultural producers is carried out on six indicators: coefficients of absolute visibility, critical evaluation, current liquidity, availability of own working capital, financial independence; financial stability in relation to the formation of reserves and costs. The 5 classes of agricultural organizations for which limits there were set limits according to the accepted criteria. The methodology of L. V. Dontsova and N.A. Nikiforova is based on 8 indicators; except of the criteria specified in the official methodology, the indicators of "the share of working capital in assets" and "financial leverage ratio" are included. Studies have shown that one of the shortcomings of the recommended rating methods of the financial condition of agricultural producers, in our opinion, is a difficulty in determining the limits of rating. So, in the method of L. V. Dontsova and N. . Nikiforova there is no clear in the application of scoring for physical values of indicators like "proportion of working capital in the assets of 0.39-0.30 and from 7.8 to 6 scores"; 7.8 scores are the rate of coefficient 0.39 and 6 scores for 0.30 of a unit? Is that true? And, for the value of the coefficient, for example 0.34, what score rating should we use? The article analyzes these difficulties in determining the limits of rating, there were justified the proposals for its improvement based on the results of the official methodology testing.
Keywords: Methods of rating analysis, models of domestic authors, credit scoring of foreign authors, financial situation, agricultural organizations, improvement of methods
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-78-50-58


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  1. Prudnikov Anatoliy Grigorievich, DSc in Economics, professor, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. TrubilinKuban State Agrarian University”.
  2. Karpusenko Anastasia Sergeevna, master's student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. TrubilinKuban State Agrarian University”.