Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 77

UDC: 658.5+338.43
GSNTI: 06.71.03, 06.81.12, 06.81.25

Scientific-theoretical and organizational-economic aspects of resource-saving in agro-industrial sector of the national economy

The key objective of the study is to determine the forming development of the resource-saving strategy in relation to the agro-industrial sector of the national economy. In modern market conditions of management, resource-saving methods and approaches are an important factor in building the potential for the development of agro-industrial systems. Many foreign companies in the agricultural sector have long defined resource saving as a basic element of their competitive strategy in the long term and have an indicator of resource efficiency in the range of 90-97%. In the domestic sector of agriculture, the mechanism of resource efficiency, as well as various methods and approaches of resource-oriented type are not a priority for various reasons (economic, organizational, regulatory). This situation creates real prerequisites for the lagging of domestic agro-industrial production from foreign enterprises of this branch type in terms of scientific, technical, technological and socio-economic development. In this aspect, the basic stages of formation of the strategy of resource saving in the agricultural sector were worked out, the algorithm of the process of resource management in agro-industrial production was proposed, the mechanism of resource management at agricultural enterprises was developed and the main ways to improve the provision of material resources of enterprises of the sectoral sphere of the national economy were proposed. The proposed recommendations, as well as the author's development will allow stakeholders (scientific and industrial communities, government management structures and the production sector of the agro-industrial complex) to more deeply and closely assess this range of problematic issues and use the author's experience in real management practice.
Keywords: Agro-industrial sector of economy, resource saving, methods and approaches, mechanisms and strategies
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-77-42-50


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  1. Kotarev Alexander Vyacheslavovich, PhD in Economics, associate Professor of management and marketing in agriculture, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I».
  2. Bogomolova Irina Petrovna, DSc in Economics, Professor, head of the Department of management, organization of production and industrial Economics, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies».