Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 77

UDC: 633.854.78: 631.527
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Creation of a new variety of confectionary sunflower with improved consumer qualities

The article deals with the method of creating an initial material for selection of large-fruit confectionery varieties of sunflower. From the moment of creation of the first confectionery variety of sunflower of CVS (confectionery variety of sunflower), consumer qualities of seeds have passed to new level that served as the beginning of development of confectionery industry on production of packaged fried seeds. However, consumers are putting increasingly stringent requirements for product quality, such as: increasing the size of seeds without reducing proportion of core content, increasing the coefficient of lodging, high taste qualities. The article presents materials of studying the intervarietal hybridization of confectionery sunflower Dobrynya and the CVS varieties, with the highest mass of 1000 seeds and high oil content. As a result, it was found that direct and inverse combinations of crosses give close values for all indicators of economically valuable traits. The yield of the intervarietal hybrid in CVT (competitive variety testing) in 2018 was 24.8 t/ha, which is by 2.3 t/ha more than the control grade of CVS. By weight of 1000 seeds, the new material surpassed the grade control by 26.1 grams, yielding to the level of oil content by only 0.2%. It is concluded that the resulting initial material has improved economically valuable features and will be used to create new varieties specialized for direct use of their seeds in food in fried form.
Keywords: Selection, seed size, mass of 1000 seeds, confectionary sunflower
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-77-134-137


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  1. Saakyan Artyr Tigranovich, PhD student, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.