Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2019, № 77

UDC: 631. 527: 633. 15
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Evaluation of new corn lines for combination ability by the "grain cleaning humidity" sign

The article deals with the issues of evaluating new self-pollinated maize lines for a general combining ability on the basis of “harvest grain moisture”. To evaluate 45 new self-pollinated maize lines, they were tested on several testers. 6 single-cross hybrids and two lines were used as testers. Testing was carried out in such a way that each line was crossed with at least 3 testers. In total, as a result of the testing, 185 test crosses, three-line and single-cross hybrids were obtained. The testcrosses obtained in the course of three years have been comprehensively studied in the control nursery of the corn department of the NCG. The article covers the values of the effects of GСA and variance of SCA of new lines according to the results of test crosses within three tester blocks. The distinguished lines showed consistently medium or low values of the effects of GCA during the three years of study, the values of the effects of GCA for each year were reliable regardless of the variation over the years. This indicates that these genotypes, when crossed with other lines within the selected testers, provide testcrosses with low harvest grain moisture. An assessment of individual lines and preliminary recommendations on the use of new lines in breeding work are given. The new corn lines were selected as new breeding source, which showed consistently low values of GCA effects on harvesting grain moisture for three years of study, with high GCA values on grain yield. Such lines are able to give high-yielding hybrids in crosses with low harvest grain moisture.
Keywords: Corn, self-pollinated line, tester, harvest grain moisture, general combining ability, specific combining ability, effects of GCA, variance SCA, heterotic hybrid, grain yield
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-77-117-121


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  1. Lemeshev Nikolay Aleksandrovich, Junior scientist of corn department, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "National Center of Grain named after P.P. Lukyanenko».
  2. Novichikhin Andrey Petrovich, Junior scientist of corn department, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "National Center of Grain named after P.P. Lukyanenko».
  3. Gulnyashkin Aleksander Vasillevich, Senior researcher of breeding lab, Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "National Center of Grain named after P.P. Lukyanenko».