Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 75

UDC: 332.234.4:631.1]:631.95
GSNTI: 68.75.02

Problems of ecological-landscape approach implementation in the organization of the agricultural enterprises territory in the context of modern land relations ations

In connection with the intensification and acceleration of degradation processes in the soils of the region, the necessity of organizing the territory of agricultural enterprises on an ecological-landscape basis has been substantiated. The goal of the research is to formulate the main implementation problems of the ecological-landscape approach to the organization of the territory of agricultural enterprises under the conditions of the existing land relations and suggest a way to solve them. It has been proposed to make on-farm land management projects, developed with regard to production and resource and natural-ecological potential, market conditions and the multi-pattern agriculture in the region the basis for implementing adaptive-landscape farming systems. The classification of landscapes of the Krasnodar Territory is presented as a basis for developing farming systems and organizing the territory on an ecological-landscape basis. The complexity of land relations, formed during the reform of the economy has been demonstrated. A conclusion was made that with the instability of land relations it is difficult to develop and implement projects for organizing the territory on an ecological-landscape basis. The necessity of state financing of anti-erosion and ameliorative works projects development and implementation at the level of natural landscapes and agricultural landscapes of the region has been substantiated. In the conditions of private land ownership, the main anti-erosion and environmental protection measures should be carried out by the owners of the land plots themselves. Works on development and improvement of land plots, implementation of anti-erosion and ameliorative activities are proposed to be considered as investment projects. It has been established that the methodology of environmental-economic assessment of design solutions at the level of agricultural landscapes needs to be improved. Assessment of economic efficiency of anti-erosion and environmental measures should take into account the characteristics of organizations of different ownership forms and different organizational and legal forms. The main criterion for the organization of the territory on the ecological-landscape basis should be to obtain the maximum economic effect, provided that soil fertility is preserved and environmental requirements are met. The conclusion is made about the need to develop a methodology for the transition of regional farming systems from the zonal principle to the ecological-landscape approach, taking into account the complexity of modern land relations.
Keywords: The Krasnodar Territory, farming systems, ecological-landscape approach, anti-erosion organization of the territory, project of intraeconomic land management, agricultural production, ecological-economic efficiency, land relations
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-75-5-10


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  1. Barsukova Galina Nikolaevna, PhD in economics, associate professor, professor of the Department of Land Management and Land Cadastre, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.