Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 581.4:630*232.13
GSNTI: 68.47.01; 34.31.27

Research into morphological features of perspective varieties and species of poplars (Populus L.)

The object of the research were six prospective poplar hybrids and varieties of different morphological and systematic sections on the second year of life grown at the forest nursery of the All-Russian Research Institute of Forest Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology. The purpose of our research was a comparative study of morphological features of poplar assimilation apparatus and their possible usage in a selection process as express methods. Article shows the apical shoots increment changes character of two-year-old poplar (Populus L.) plants. It is noted that the raw biomass in the cross-sectional hybrid of poplar E.s.-38 was significantly higher than of another compared variety samples, in this case the main contribution to this trait (24.6±2.74 g) is made by the raw mass of foliage (18.7±1.98 g), which is 76% of the total biomass. Balsam-poplar 'Volosistoplodnyi' showed the best productivity index per leaf area unit during the vegetation period (1.45 g/dm² year). The leaf area of the intersectional poplar hybrid E.s.-38 (Voronezh Giant) was about 1.5 times higher than of Pioneer and more than 3 times than of Volosistoplodnyi. During all the growing season, the average individual leaf area, as well as the total leaf area surface of the apical shoot of the poplar E.s-38, exceeded the similar parameters of the poplars at 2 and more times. On the contrary, a large number of leaves in combination with smaller sizes (9.7±1.39 cm²) is characteristic for balsam poplar Volosistoplodnyi. Such character of changes in the age dynamics of the photosynthetic apparatus of the intersection hybrid E.s.-38 makes it possible to recommend it in breeding as a source material for creating perspective varieties of poplars.
Keywords: Morphology, assimilation apparatus, leaf area, Populus L
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-56-59


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  1. Evlakov Peter Michailovich, PhD in Biology, head of the Laboratory; Laboratory of Biochemistry, Molecular Genetics and Plant Physiology, FGBI "All-Russian Research Institute of Forest Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology”.
  2. Zapletin Vladimir Yurievich, PhD in Biology, engineer; Laboratory of Biochemistry, Molecular Genetics and Plant Physiology, FGBI "All-Russian Research Institute of Forest Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology”.