Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 631.86:631.812.2(047.31)(476)
GSNTI: 68.33.29

Impact of liquid biohumus on growth and development of seedlings of ornamental wood plants

The article provides data on biohumus as an organic complex fertilizer of a wide-spectrum impact. Its main characteristics and properties are described, as well as some technological methods of its application. Its advantages of being an organic fertilizer of a broad-spectrum impact have been shown. These include a wide scale of application, its containing both growth-stimulating and protective substances of humic nature and a set of microelements. An increase in productivity of cultivated cultures caused by the usage of humus is accompanied by enhancement of quality and biological value of crop products, an increase in microelements content to the optimal level. The research was carried out on Thuja occidentalisʻNanaʼ, Pinus mugo, Thuja occidentalis‘Columnaris’. Two-year-old rooted sprigs were planted inthree-litre containers. They were twice fertilized with a 1% solution of biohumus (0.5 litre per plant). It has been shown that a positive impact of liquid biohumus on growth and development of seedlings of ornamental wood plants. An increase in growth rate and the length of root systems in the number of coniferous species have been shown. Thus, the height of seedlings of Thuja occidentalisʻNanaʼ exeeds control by 33.3%, the length of root systems - by 66.6%. These indexes for Pinus mugo are 28.6 and 66.7% correspondingly. A grounded conclusion is made about the efficiency of using biohumus in ornamental gardening for optimizing the technology of accelerated seedlings growing which is topical in modern nurseries where a wide spectrum of techniques, methods and stimulators is used for that purpose. Thus liquid biohumus is an effective organic fertilizer which quickens the growth of ornamental cultures, and should be recommended for use for this purpose.
Keywords: Biohumus, saplings, growth, progress
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-28-32


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  1. Garanovich Igor Mihailovich, Phd in Biology, Associate Professor, SSI "Central Botanical Garden of the NAS of Belarus".
  2. Arkharov Alexander Vladimirovich, principal engineer, SSI "Central Botanical Garden of the NAS of Belarus".