Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 630.1:630.5
GSNTI: 34.01.21

Evaluation of archival aspen clones with improved forest productivity in Valentinovka nursery (Moscow Region, Russia)

Тhe research of aspen trees (Populus tremula) were studied for the purpose of further use of archival plantings, created by academician A. S. Yablokov. B. Vladimirov’s and A. Yablokov’s research in Vologda region aspen stands, growing in severe climatic conditions, showed that it is economically efficient to get sound merchantable timber in natural forests. Based on this research, a sample plot was set in 1962 by creeping roots from mother aspen stumps without rot. Methods of dendrochronological analysis to identify resistant improved productivity aspen forms are suggested. Growth parameters as well as heart-rot (Phellinus tremulae) damage are studied, factors influencing aspen resistance are analyzed. Model tree analysis showed the lack of stem rot throughout the model tree. The data obtained on the viability of trees aspen plantations of the academician A. Yablokov and B. Vladimirov testify to the diagnostic value of the used indicators when selecting planting material for fast growing plantings taking into account the resistance to the medullary rot infection. Using the methods of dendrochronological analysis, we can choose sustainable aspen trees of different ages in natural and artificially produced clones for various purposes in fast-growing plantations.
Keywords: Populus tremula L, productivity, heat rot, dendrochronological analysis
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-252-257


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  1. Chernyshenko Oxana Vasilyevna, DSc in Biology, Professor, Head of Department of Ornamental Plant growing and Plant physiology, Mytisci department of Bauman State Technical University (National Research University).
  2. Rumyantsev Denis Evgenyevich, DSc in Biology, associate professor, Professor of Department of Ecology and Forest protection, Mytisci department of Bauman State Technical University (National Research University).