Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 634.23:631.526.1/.4:631.527(470.6)
GSNTI: 68.35.53

Selection of varieties of Dyuk for improvement of the cherry assortment in the South of Russia

According to the literature sources, the analysis of varieties of cherries used for industrial purposes, both in Russia and abroad, has been carried out. The tendency of sour cherry fruit consumption in the fresh form is noted. Genealogical evaluation of varieties in high demand showed that they are all created with sour cherry and sweet cherry, and are ducks, which have a large fruit size and high taste, while they have high grades of processed products. Also, we have identified donors and sources of economically valuable traits for breeding: Melitopolskaya desertnaya, Pandi, Fanal, Krasa Severa and Zhukovskaya. Having carried out a comprehensive assessment of the cherry-tree culture available at the station, large-fruited varieties were identified. The article presents the results of a complex study of selected cherry and sour cherry- sweet cherry (Dyuk) hybrids from the collection of plant genetic resources collected at the Krymsk EBS. A technological evaluation of these varieties on the suitability for processing was carried out, which showed that the grades recommended for industrial use have high grades of processed products. As a result of the work done, prospective varieties were selected for a set of economically valuable features, which are recommended for production testing in the south of the Russian Federation. The best varieties are distinguished, which, having optimal economic-valuable traits in terms of maturation, make it possible to create a conveyor for the receipt of fruits for processing and for the consumer market.
Keywords: Selection, sour cherry, gene pool, collection, assortment, characterization of variety
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-191-194


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  1. Smirnova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, junior researcher, Department of Genetic Resources and Selection of Fruit and Berry Crops Krymsk Experiment Breeding Station, Branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources".
  2. Eremina Oksana Viktorovna, DSc in Agriculture, Senior Researcher, Department of Genetic Resources and Selection of Fruit and Berry Crops Krymsk Experiment Breeding Station, Branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources".