Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 631/635; 502/504; 911
GSNTI: 68.35.47

Ecological bases of selection, seeds production and planting material of agricultural and forest wood plants

In agriculture, selection, production of seeds and planting stock of agricultural and forestry woody plants, ecological orientation and qualitatively different approaches are necessary. In production fundamentally new nature-friendly technologies should be introduced. They must exist in harmony with nature and rebuild the human-disturbed balance between the biosphere and the technosphere. The successful solution of fundamental and priority applied selection and seed production problems, the creation of new, regionally, locally and ecologically differentiated, economically specialized varieties and crops hybrids, technologies for the production of planting forest tree plants material is possible only if there is adequate information on the spatial distribution of the biological and ecological regularities of ecosystems in different regions of Russia. In ensuring Russia's food and environmental safety, an important role is assigned to forage production. It is oriented towards the triune goal: production of cheap high-protein, energy-saturated fodder for livestock; soil fertility reproduction and conservation; ensuring productive longevity of agricultural lands and agrolandscapes. Perennial forage grasses are the most important components of pastures, hayfields, agroecosystems in arable land and many natural ecosystems. They have the most important fodder, landscape and biosphere significance, as environment-forming biological and ecological factors of conservation and enhancement soil fertility, ensuring the sustainability of agricultural lands and landscapes. The agro-landscape-ecological zoning will allow to ensure the coherence in the development of agriculture, the production of seeds and planting stock of agricultural and forestry woody plants with natural conditions and quality of land, the ecological condition of agricultural landscapes and environmental protection.
Keywords: Ecological basis, selection, seed production, fodder production, perennial grasses
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-123-126


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  1. Kosolapov Vladimir Mikhailovich, Academician Russian Academy of Sciences, DSc in Agriculture, Professor, Director of the FWRC FPA; Laboratory of Geobotany and Agroecology, Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology.
  2. Trofimov Ilya Aleksandrovich, DSc in Geographi, Deputy Director for Research, Head Laboratory; Laboratory of Geobotany and Agroecology, Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology.
  3. Trofimova Liudmila Sergeevna, Phd in Agriculture, Assistant professor, Leading researcher; Laboratory of Geobotany and Agroecology, Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology.
  4. Yakovleva Elena Petrovna, Senior Researcher; Laboratory of Geobotany and Agroecology, Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology.