Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 73

UDC: 634.25: 631.52
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Criteria of the model and comparative evaluation of ornamental peach cultivars in connection with breeding

In order to increase the efficiency of the breeding, the criteria for a model of ornamental peach cultivar intended for growing in the steppe zone of the Crimea have been determined by 21 characteristics. Among them - a long period of deep dormancy, high winter hardiness, later, abundant and prolonged flowering, tolerance to fungal diseases, drought resistance and high overall ornamentality of the tree. From the morphological traits are important mainly the number of flowers at node, the length of the internodes, the number of generative buds in 20 cm of the shoot, the primary number of flowers in the node), the diameter of the corolla, the number of petals, their size, originality of the flower, fragrance and others. When comparing 29 cultivars of ornamental peach from the collection of Nikitа Botanical gardens with the model of a cultivar on the complex of the main traits, the cluster analysis found 7 homogeneous groups of cultivars. The closest to the cultivar model were Chio-Chio-San, Assol and Vesna. They are characterized by medium-late flowering period, medium and high winter hardiness and are promising for use in landscaping of the steppe Crimea, as well as in breeding as a source of valuable germplasm. The traits of double flowers degree, flowering period, winter hardiness and susceptibility to diseases can be considered as markers for clas-sification.
Keywords: Ornamental peach, economically valuable characteristics, cultivar model, breeding
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-73-104-107


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  1. Komar-Tyomnaya Larisa Dmitrievna, Phd in Biology, Senior Research, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of southern fruit crops, Federal State Institution of Science "Order of the Labour Red Banner Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science".