Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 635. 615 - 631.527.56
GSNTI: 68.35.51

The value of heterosis in breeding of watermelon

The main purpose of the research was to conduct a comparative evaluation of varieties and heterosis hybrids F1 watermelon station variety testing on the main economic and valuable features. An important direction in the selection of melons is the transition to heterosis breeding. The advantage of heterosis in F1 hybrids of obvious high heterosis effect in the productivity, increase resistance to diseases, rapid response to the needs of the market, copyright protection in the seed industry. The main problem of using heterosis in watermelon breeding is creation of parent lines. On the basis of the spontaneous mutant having a sign of wholeness the number of grades and lines which are used as maternal for receiving heterosis hybrids is created. When using a line with male sterility and two recessive traits (wholeness and light green color of the fruit), heterosis F1 hybrids were created at the station. The results of a three-year test of varieties and heterosis hybrids watermelon showed that the excess yield compared with the standards of F1 hybrids is from 20.3 to 71.8%. The length of the growing period in hydrides F1 shorter than in varieties. The dry matter content in cultivars and hybrids of F1 is on the same level. All heterosis hybrids of watermelon have a higher complex disease resistance compared to varieties. So the incidence of Fusarium in early group hybrids was lower by 10,5-17,0% compared to the standard group in the mid - 0,3-4,3%. Thus, the use of heterosis F1 hybrids in watermelon breeding allows increasing the yield of fruits by more than 70%, reducing the length of the growing season and increasing resistance to the most common diseases.
Keywords: Watermelon, heterosis, maternal line, paternal line, yield, stability
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-72-76


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  1. Varivoda Elena Alexsandrovna, senior researcher of the Department of selection, Bykovsky melon selective experimental station - the branch of the Federal StateBudgetary Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing".
  2. Koleboshina Tatyana Gennadyevna, doctor of agricultural Sciences, leading researcher of the Department of agricultural engineering and seed, Bykovsky melon selective experimental station - the branch of the Federal StateBudgetary Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing".