Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 633.13:631.52
GSNTI: 68.35.29

Features of valuable traits of oats in the Non-Chernozem zone of the Central Region of Russian Federation

From 2016 there were comprehensive study of the potential of productivity, resistance to lodging and peculiar to the area diseases, oat cultivars from collection VIR of new domestic and foreign lines and varieties of naked and hulled forms under the conditions of the non-Chernozem zone of the Central region (Moscow region, Stupino distr., Mikhnevo p. The Centre of gene pool and bio-resources of plants, ARHIBAN). The field assessment of the samples, for which the data are presented in the current article, includes three main aspects: 1) plant height and resistance of varieties to lodging; 2) resistance of samples to diseases inherent in the area; 3) productivity of oat samples allocated to the first two points and structural analysis, including the calculation of the number of spikelets and grains in panicles, the average length of the panicle and the absolute weight of the grain (mass of thousand grains).
Keywords: Nakedoats, hulledoats, yield, resistance, lodging, disease
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-67-72


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  1. Vargach Yuliya Igorevna, post-graduate student, junior researcherLab. of Field CropsScientific Research Department of the Gene Pool, Horticultural Institute for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery, Moscow.
  2. Loskutov Igor Gradislavovich, DSc in Biology, Professor, the Head of Department of Genetic Resources of Oat, Barley, Rye, N.I.Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR), Saint-Petersburg.