Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 631/635; 502/504; 911
GSNTI: 68.35.47

Assessment of agrolandscapes, challenges of their monitoring and management

A system for assessing the status and management of agroecosystems and agrolandscapes in Russia has been developed, which provides a reliable and rapid response to the challenges of their monitoring. Systems of measures for managing agroecosystems and agro landscapes include improving the structure of land areas, optimizing the structure of crop areas and improving crop rotation, improving farming systems, developing, implementing and optimizing norms for anthropogenic loads on agro landscapes in general and for individual elements of their spatial structure (arable land, pastures, hayfields, forests), rational allocation of agricultural crops in the land use area, etc. Improvement of the land structure is aimed at strengthening the ecological framework of the agrolandscape: increasing the proportion of protective elements that increase the strength and stability of agrolandscapes to negative factors (natural forage lands, forests, protected areas of ecosystems). Optimization of the structure of sown areas and crop rotations is aimed at increasing the ecological stability of arable land (increasing the percentage of sown perennial grasses in crop rotations). Increasing the environmental sustainability of arable land is associated with the improvement of farming systems, the development of adapted resource-saving environmentally friendly methods, technologies, technical tools for tillage and growing crops. Optimal saturation of crop area and crop rotation with agricultural crops functioning on the basis of biological nitrogen, possessing soil and soil-improving properties is aimed at achieving high productivity, economic efficiency, production of high-quality products, improving the environmental sustainability of agroecosystems and agrolandscapes. The presented systems of measures for the management of agroecosystems and agrolandscapes have been tested in various regions of Russia.
Keywords: Agroecosystems and agrolandscapes of Russia, state assessment, management, structure of land, crop areas, crop rotation, farming systems, loads
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-343-347


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  1. Trofimov Ilya Aleksandrovich, DSc in Geographi, Deputy Director for Research, Head Laboratory of Geobotany and Agroecology, Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology (FWRC FPA).
  2. Trofimova Liudmila Sergeevna, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant professor, Leading researcher Laboratory of Geobotany and Agroecology, Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology (FWRC FPA).