Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 633.111.1"321":581.132:631.811.98
GSNTI: 34.31.17

The efficiency of photosynthesis of soft wheat under the influence of biopreparation Risogrin

The paper presents the results of experimental data on the influence of rizoagrin biopreparation associative nitrogen-fixing rootinoculation on photosynthetic parameters of spring soft wheat varieties in contrast agroecological conditions of the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia. Studies were carried out from 2012-2013 in the experimental fields of seed department of the Federal State budget scientific establishment Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture. The effect of biological products on the 9 accessions of spring wheat3 ripeness groups was studied. Soil pilot area - meadow chernozem srednegumusovaya moderately heavy loam with a neutral reaction medium. For inoculation of seeds the biological preparation Rizoagrin (created on the basis of the strain relating to the genus Agrobacterium radiobacter) was used. The influence of inoculation on leaf surface area and photosynthetic potential of spring soft wheat genotypes were revealed. The effectiveness of inoculation was determined by biopreparation, hydrothermal conditions, and genotypic characteristics of varieties. Inoculation with biopreparation helped to increase the area of the leaf surface and the duration of its operation in certain phases of plant development. Under the influence of biopreparation increased the power of assimilation apparatus and the effectiveness of its work in a number of varieties of spring soft wheat - Katyusha, G2755/04, Svetlanka and G540/04.Ritalina stimulating effect on photosynthetic capacity observed for the same set of genotypes: Katyusha, G2755/04, Melodija and Г540/04.
Keywords: Soft wheat, associative nitrogen fixation, diazotrophs, Rizoagrin, fhotosynthesis, variety, inoculation
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-324-328


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  1. Seytuarova Asargul Dyusembaevna, candidate of biological sciences, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "P.A. Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University ".
  2. Popolzuhina Nina Alexeevna, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "P.A. Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University ".