Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 631.527.52:633.174
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Heterosis selection of red clover and Sudan grass in Siberia

The results of studying the variability and phenotypic correlations of the red clover according to 20 biological-economic features are presented. The seed productivity in most varieties positively correlates with the number of inflorescences (r = 0,34-0,8), the size of the rosette (r = 0,32-0,63) and the long leaf petiole (r = 0,3-0,67). A synthetics - Atlant variety (the yield of green mass and dry matter was 250 с/ha and 57 с/ha, the potential - in the conditions of NIISKH Severnogo Zauralya to 600 c/ha and 240 c/ha, respectively, seed yield - 3.4 c/ha, which is 17% higher than the standard, the variety showed high plasticity and is included in the State register for 6 regions of the Russian Federation), and complex hybrid populations - SibNIIK 10 (in comparison with the standard, it had a higher yield of green mass and absolutely dry matter by 33% and 32%, respectively, on seed productivity - by 51%) and Rodnik Sibiri (the maximum yield of seeds was 6.2 c/ha) have been created. Complex hybrid populations of Sudan grass with a high heterosis effect (14-34%) have been formed. On the basis of maternal forms of varieties Priobskaya, Kulundinskaya, Novosibirskaya 84, Lira, Brodskaya 2, as well as samples of VK 37/12, KM 24/10, BP 68/10, SK 135/11. Generated three synthetic populations SGP 13-15. Long-term studies have demonstrated high efficiency of heterosis breeding in the creation of new varieties of clover and Sudanese grass in extreme conditions of Siberia.
Keywords: Heterosis selection, Trifollium pretense, Sudan grass, complex hybrid population, synthetic population, correlation analysis
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-298-302


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  1. Poljudina Revmira Ivanovna, DSc in Agriculture, head of the selection center for fodder crops, Siberian Research Institute of Forages of the RAS.
  2. Grishin Vasilij Mihajlovich, Phd Agriculturе, Sci. а fellow at the lab. breeding, Siberian Research Institute of Forages of the RAS.