Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 635.1/.7 (470)
GSNTI: 68.35.51

The modern rates of development of vegetable growing in the Russian Federation

In this article reports theshared analysis of temps of the developing an industry of vegetables growing in the Russian Federation in recent years, including the terms of the financial crisis and economic sanctions. It is noted that state support for agriculture has improved noticeably in recent years. The volume of production of vegetable products has stabilized and is slightly more than 16 million tons in the last 6-7 years, and together with the imported in the most part satisfies the population’s need for vegetable products. However, the range of products is very narrow, 2/3 of the product’s output is provided by 5-6 crops, from more than 100 cultivated species. Data are given on the production of vegetable products in state farms, farmer’s and individual farms of citizen, specificity of regions by the ratio of vegetable farms of different forms of ownership. The state of vegetable seed production is analyzed, the specificity of the industry related to the large species and mold variety of vegetable crops is revealed. The structure of the newly established Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing is given and its role in solving the above issues and problems is revealed.
Keywords: Vegetables, production, consumption, import, export, seed production
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-293-298


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  1. Pivovarov Viktor Fedorovich, Doctor agricultural sciences, RAS academician, research supervisor, FGBNU Federal scientific center of vegetable growing, Moscow district Odintsovo region.
  2. Soldatenko Aleksey Vasilevich, Doctor agricultural sciences, professor of RAS, director, FGBNU Federal scientific center of vegetable growing, Moscow district Odintsovo region.
  3. Musaev Farkhad Bagadir ogli, Candidate of agricultural sciences, Senior Researcher of Laboratory and test center, FGBNU Federal scientific center of vegetable growing, Moscow district Odintsovo region.