Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 633:633.352.1:633.367:633.13:633.16
GSNTI: 68.35.47

Аnnual legumes in mixed crops in the conditions of the Novgorod Region

The main objective of the modern industry of fodder production is the creation of highly productive agricultural lands, the relevance of which is determined through clarification of complex causes of the relationships which are established in mixed crops between the components in the process of their growth and development. Mixed crops allow full use of soil fertility, while creating favorable conditions for vegetation of all components of mixed crops. The article discusses the mixed sowing seed the wiki with different components under different seeding rates and sowing method, comparative characteristics of productivity, an analysis for the influence of method of sowing on the field germination rate. On the basis of results of scientific research the optimum way of sowing for receiving a high-quality forage is revealed.
Keywords: Vika seeding, annual legumes, cereals, green mass yield, fodder nutritional value
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-25-27


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  2. Источник: http://www.activestudy.info/sme-shannye-posevy-kormovyx-kultur/ © Зооинженерный факультет МСХА.
  3. Тошкина, Е. А. Сравнительная продуктивность вики посевной в смешанных агрофитоценозах в условиях Новгородской области / Е. А. Тошкина, К. А. Абдурахманова // Ученые записки НовГУ: электронный научный журнал. - 2015. - № 2. - [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://www.novsu.ru/file/ 1165958.


  1. Ambarcumova Kamila Abdujabborovna, post-graduate student, Federal state budgetary educational establishment of the higher education "Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod state University".
  2. Toshkina Elena Andreevna, DSc in Agriculture, professor, Federal state budgetary educational establishment of the higher education "Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod state University".