Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 635.624-625
GSNTI: 68.35.51

Breeding pumpkins on productivity, resistance to external environment and product quality

An important element in the technology of cultivation of melons is the variety. Varieties with a complex of economically valuable traits that positively respond to intensive technologies are the basis for the production of high-quality melon products, including pumpkin. Pumpkin is a popular vegetable crop due to its taste and nutritional properties. It is widely known that its pulp is a source of sugars and caratenoids, and seeds are Tocopherols and fatty acids. In addition, and in the pulp and seeds found phenolic substances of nature, which have a very high biological activity. Pumpkin seeds contain many different minerals (zinc, selenium, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and others), vitamins (a, E, K, D, group B) and other substances that are vital for the human body. The aim of our study was to examine and identify the most productive varieties of pumpkin that are resistant to bio- and abi-factorum environment with good quality fruit. The article presents a comprehensive assessment of varieties and hybrids of selection on the main indicators. The analysis and selection of varieties, the most adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the zone. The best accessions for yield in the conditions of the Volgograd TRANS-Volga region. Samples with high productivity were selected: Elegant (C. maxima), G-324 (C. maxima), Abundance (C. maxima) (138.0 C/ha, 150.0 C/ha, 242.5 C/ha, respectively). With a high content of dry substances in the juice of the fruit: G-324, Romance (14,0%). Revealed the most resistant varieties to external environmental factors (drought, low and high temperatures): Abundance, Romance, Elegant, G-324, and G-509.
Keywords: Pumpkin, variety, selection, hybrid, stability, adaptability, productivity, quality
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-228-232


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  1. Kurunina Dina Pavlovna, Junior research associate of Department of selection, Bykovsky melon selective experimental station - the branch of the Federal StateBudgetary Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing".
  2. Nikulina Tamara Mihajlovna, senior researcher of the Department of selection, Bykovsky melon selective experimental station - the branch of the Federal StateBudgetary Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing".