Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 633.111.1:631.527
GSNTI: 68.35.03

The shortstrawness of the line PRAG 530 at the winter triticale breeding

Modern varieties of winter triticale are superior to many grains in low agricultural background and under adverse climatic conditions, which allowed to occupy this crop about 4 million hectares in the world. But the transition to intensive cultivation technology requires a solution to the problem of lodging resistance. The most effective solution is to create short-straw and adaptive varieties with high grain productivity. Despite the large number of scientific studies, rather modest success in breeding for short-straw winter triticale, largely due to the relatively young age of culture and the lack of natural centers of origin. But the tendency to decrease plant height, with the help of dwarfism genes from wheat and rye, and to increase the productivity of cenosis undoubtedly exists. In the Central zone of Krasnodar region were investigated the inheritance of plant height triticale in hybrid populations from reciprocal crosses between average height cultivar Valentin 90 and shortness line PRAG 530. In these combinations, for each class of hybrid plant height, analyzed the expression of agronomic characters within two years of research. According to the results of phenological and laboratory observations, the best families for planting in the control varietal testing have been identified. In 2013, an increase in plant height in hybrid populations was observed, on average by 20-30%, in comparison with the dry year 2012. The figures are valuable traits decreased inversely proportional to the increase of the height also, on average, by 20-30% in comparison with 2012. The possibility of selection, in conditions of optimal moisture supply year, non-lodging short-straw forms with a high level of productivity, when used in the breeding process of the short-straw line of winter triticale PRAG 530.
Keywords: Plant height, selection and valuable features, productivity level, number of grains from spike, weight of grain from spike
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-184-189


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  1. Kovtunenko Victor Yakovlevich, DSc in Agriculture, chief researcher; Department of plant breeding of wheat and triticale, FGBNU National Center for Grain after P.P. Lukyanenko.
  2. Panchenko Vladimir Vladimirovich, Phd in Agriculture, senior researcher; Department of plant breeding of wheat and triticale, FGBNU National Center for Grain after P.P. Lukyanenko.
  3. Kalmus Alexei Pеrtrovich, research associate; Department of plant breeding of wheat and triticale, FGBNU National Center for Grain after P.P. Lukyanenko.