Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 633.264:631.531
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Status and prospects of seed production of tall fescue in Russia

The article presents a brief analysis of the state and prospects of seed growing of perennial grasses in Russia. The potential need of the country for the necessary volumes of seeds of perennial grasses is determined. The importance of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) for fodder production and gardening, the need for seeds of this culture is defined. The historical analysis of the state of seed oatmeal reed in the country and identified negative trends in the provision of fodder seeds of domestic varieties. As of 2017, 50 varieties of oatmeal tall fescue registered in the state register of breeding achievements, of which only 12 are domestic, or only 24% of the total. Of the 38 varieties of foreign selection, the rightholder of 20 varieties (53 %) is DLF-Trifolium a/S (Denmark) and 8 varieties (21%) - Barenbrug Holland B. V. (Netherlands), that is, there is expansion and signs of monopolization of the market of seeds of oatmeal by individual foreign firms. The volume of production of oatmeal varieties of domestic breeding in Russia has decreased dramatically and now amounts to no more than 550 tons per year. The potential need for seeds of this crop for meadow and field forage production, as well as landscaping is determined. For full support of field and meadow fodder production currently need about 1.5 thousand tons of seeds of tall fescue per year. For the needs of reclamation of degraded lands in the quarries, coal mines, oil and gas production facilities, peatlands, as well as the arrangement of transport communications and forest parks, landscaping of urban areas, it is necessary to produce an additional not less than 1 thousand tons of seeds of this culture.
Keywords: Seed production of perennial grasses, tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), the state of seed, the need for seeds, varieties
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-158-160


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  1. Zolotarev Vladimir Nikolaevich, Phd in Agriculture, associate Professor, leading researcher, head of the laboratory of seed and seed forage crops, Federal state budgetary scientific institution " V. R. Williams Federal research center of feed production and Agroecology».
  2. Perepravo Nikolaj Ivanovich, Phd in Agriculture, leading researcher, Federal state budgetary scientific institution " V. R. Williams Federal research center of feed production and Agroecology».