Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 631.52:633.853.483
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Breeding of brown mustard (Brassica juncea) for increased content of allyl mustard oil

Products of processing of brown mustard seeds are used by the maximum possible number of industry sectors. One of the most valuable components of mustard seed is essential allyl mustard oil. The advantage of essential oil of mustard is that it can be used as a preservative, flavoring agent, promoting agent, stimulating agent, repellent; it also has antibacterial, antifungal, diaphoretic, antirheumatic and tonic properties. In recent years, the efforts of breeders are aimed at developing high-yielding varieties with a high content (0.7-0.8%) of both fatty and essential allyl mustard oils in seeds. The research material consisted of 36 samples of spring brown mustard with increased (more than 0.60%) content of essential oil of different origin from the collection of the department of oil crops breeding, the laboratory of mustard breeding of VNIIMK. The pedigree method was used to develop a breeding material with increased content of essential oil in seeds. The pedigree method is a cross-breeding and selection of individual plants in combination with self-pollination in the generation F2 and further evaluation of the progeny on productivity, oil content and essential oil content. Samples with a level of mustard essential oil from 0.63 to 0.73% were developed and selected. These characteristics significantly exceed (by 0.6-0.16%) the characteristics of standard variety Nika and give chances for further breeding work. As a result of evaluation of the best lines with an increased content of essential oil, the characteristics of oil content varied from 46.9 to 49.8%. Under the conditions of the Central zone of the Krasnodar region, the best lines with high essential oil content showed seed yields at a level of a standard variety or at a substantially higher level (by 0.18-0.39 t/ha). This characteristics varied from 3.04 to 3.87 t/ha. Lines with an increased content of allyl mustard oil do not differ from the standard variety on the duration of growth season, height and lodging, they are also harvested technologically like the modern released varieties.
Keywords: Brown mustard, essential allyl mustard oil, line, productivity, oil content
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-114-118


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  1. Gorlova Lyudmila Anatol'yevna, Phd in Biology, Head of the Rape and Mustard Selection Department, All-Russia research institute of oil crops by Pustovoit V.S.
  2. Trubina Viktoriya Sergeyevnа, researcher, All-Russia research institute of oil crops by Pustovoit V.S.
  3. Serdyuk Oksana Anatol'yevna, candidate of agriculture, All-Russia research institute of oil crops by Pustovoit V.S.
  4. Shipievskaya Yelena Yur'yevna, candidate of biology, All-Russia research institute of oil crops by Pustovoit V.S.