Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 631.527:631.53.02:633.853.494
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Rapeseed breeding for the final use: modern tendencies and directions

The purpose of the article is to determine the directions of rapeseed breading in relation to the world tendencies in the oil and fat industry. Economic-statistical, abstract-logical, graphical, expert evaluation and regression methods were applied in research. Materials of the world congresses on rapeseed, United States Departament of Agriculture (USDA) of the USA, and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation were used. Due to the fact that most part of the rapeseed oil produced in the world is used for technical purposes (biodiesel), the environmental aspects of processing should be considered as a separate direction of breeding programs. An important direction of breeding should be the increase of the feed quality of meal by improving its digestibility and taste qualities, as well as the obtaining of raw materials suitable for high-level processing. The creation and introduction of innovative rapeseed varieties and hybrids with increased added value is currently important, for example, with a modified fatty acid composition, more oxy- and thermostable, which produce fewer products with negative characteristics in terms of nutritional value of food products and technical use (bio-lubricants, biofuel). Oil with a high content of erucic acid are used to prepare non-toxic lubricants. Rapeseed with yellow coloring of the seed coat makes it possible to receive a meal with a low content of fiber and other undesirable substances. To improve the efficiency of breeding program it is important to understand the requirements and needs of all segments of production and supply chain, and especially the processing industry in the next 10-25 years.
Keywords: Rapeseed breeding, variety, oil, meal, biodiesel, HOLL-rapeseed (high-oleic, low-linoleic), yellow-seeded
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-109-114


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  1. Gorlova Lyudmila Anatolievna, PhD in Biology, head of the department of rapeseed and mustard breeding, Federal state budgetary scientific institution All-Russian research institute of oil crops by the name of Pustovoit V.S.
  2. Bochkaryova Emma Borisovna, DSc in Agriculture, leading researcher, Federal state budgetary scientific institution All-Russian research institute of oil crops by the name of Pustovoit V.S.
  3. Strelnikov Evgeny Aleksandrovich, PhD in Biology, senior researcher, Federal state budgetary scientific institution All-Russian research institute of oil crops by the name of Pustovoit V.S.
  4. Goncharov Sergey Vladimirovich, DSc in Agriculture, professor, Voronezh State Agricultural University named after Emperor Peter the Great.