Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 72

UDC: 633.18:631.527:631.527.5
GSNTI: 68.35

Improved method of selecting couples for hybridization of domestic varieties of rice

The method of selection of pairs for hybridization includes evaluation of contributions of genetic systems to the productivity of the sample, clustering of samples on the contribution of genetic systems that determine productivity, adaptability, quality of the sample; selection of contrasting forms on the complex of genes. Forms with the maximum effect of different genetic systems in the productivity of the sample, analyze the polymorphism of genes that determine the effectiveness of each genetic system. For analysis of polymorphism of genes that determine the performance of the genetic system to identify markers closely linked with studied genes or EST marker whose contribution to the formation of the characteristic at the maximum in used genplazm. To conduct this molecular marking adapted genplazm of region (most often it is promising varieties) using uniformly distributed across the genome markers spaced with distance between them not more than 20 cm. Or if there is such data using linked or intragenic markers, the effectiveness of which for the formation of a sign is confirmed for another genplazm or in another region. Among them there are polymorphic markers with the maximum phenotypic effect in the manifestation of the studied features; there are forms with the most effective operation of various genetic systems, the effectiveness of which is determined by different gene complexes; for this purpose, used cluster analysis of the results of molecular marking of the sample by a complex of markers closely linked to the trait; hybridization of samples of contrasting genes determining the effective operation of one and several genetic systems. Genetic systems are analyzed: adaptability, attractions, micro-distribution of plastic substances between grains and chaff in the panicle, compensation of limiting factor of soil nutrition, tolerance to thickening, variability of ontogenesis periods, immunity to pests and diseases, efficiency of photosynthesis.
Keywords: Methodology selection of pairs for hybridization, assessment of the contributions of genetic systems, molecular marking, selection, genotyping, variability, phenotype test results, clustering, gene
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-72-101-105


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  1. Goncharova Yuliya Konstantinovna, DSc in Biology, head genetics and heterosis selection lab, FSBSI "Russian Rice Research Institute".
  2. Malyuchenko Evgeniya Aleksandrovna, Phd in Biology, junior researcher, FSBSI "Russian Rice Research Institute".