Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 71

UDC: 338.436
GSNTI: 06.71.07

Cooperation as an organizational and economic mechanism improving the efficiency of agricultural production

In the stabilisation and development of Russian agricultural production, the key target is the role of cooperation, which is a complex and multidimensional category that combines personal, collective and public interests, ensuring the most efficient and profitable way out for all participants of this process. The main force of cooperation is in conscious cooperation and joint actions of all members of collectives. The purpose of this article is to investigate the development of cooperation and the determination of the factors limiting its development in agricultural production. Currently, the main way to stabilize agro-industrial production lies only in the revival of agricultural co-operation. However, there is no real socio-economic environment for the development of cooperation in all the formed forms of farming in rural areas. In this regard, the issues of state support are updated. In order to develop cooperation as a mechanism for the effective development of agricultural production it is necessary to:increase the role of cooperative development as a direction of the state training system for cooperatives; improving the overall economic situation for cooperatives; promoting psychological training of rural residents of cooperation; active development of market infrastructure for small agricultural producers, including cooperatives; striving for the complexity of the formation of the cooperative organizations network; improving the management of the cooperative process.
Keywords: Cooperation, forms of management, region, stages, organization
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-71-22-27


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  1. Khanbabaev Temirlan Aidarbekuly, PhD in economics, head of the Department; Department of Economics, Organization and Management of Agriculture, FSBSI F. G. Kisriev Dagestan Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture.
  2. Dogaev Hasan Gojevic, PhD in economics, leading researcher; Department of Economics, Organization and Management of Agriculture, FSBSI F. G. Kisriev Dagestan Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture.
  3. Daibova Leyla Salahutdinova, Senior Researcher; Department of Economics, Organization and Management of Agriculture, FSBSI F. G. Kisriev Dagestan Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture.