Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 70

UDC: 633.31/37.635.65
GSNTI: 68.35.29

Efficacy of growth regulators in the crops of green peas in different growing zones

The use of plant growth regulators in crops of green peas at-is purposed at strengthening growth processes, photosynthetic indices, and SIM-biotic activity, productivity elements, grain yield and its quality. Timely and quality of their use contributes to increase of energy of germination germination and productivity of plants. Research of processes of formation of productivity elements of green peas depending on plant growth regulators and cultivation zone have shown that they have a positive effect in improving the yield and grain quality regardless of the area of cultivation and the cultivar characteristics. In the experimental options all the indicators of photosynthetic and symbiotic activity, the productivity elements and yield is higher by 10-12% compared to the control variant. The leaf area, chpf (net productivity of photosynthesis), fixed atmospheric nitrogen and the elements of productivity are the best side in the conditions of the foothill zone, where the moisture supply of plants during the growing season was more optimal. Among the applied plant growth regulators have the greatest effect Mival-agro, the PKK, Melafen, BP, which contribute to increasing the productivity of pea plant. This is particularly evident when comparing varieties of green peas on all indicators. The variety Favorit in the foothill and steppe zones are characterized by higher rates of productivity. In the experimental variants due to high yields net profits reached up to 18-20 thousand rubles per hectare. Despite the acquisition cost of peas is beneficial and cost-effective (120%).
Keywords: Green peas, plant growth regulators, cultivars, area of cultivation, the elements of productivity, yield, quality
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-70-63-67


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  1. Nazarova Asiyat Arsenovna, PhD-student, Kabardino-Balkaria State Technical University V.M. Kokov.
  2. Knyazev Boris Muzakirovich, DSc in Agriculture, Professor, Kabardino-Balkaria State Technical University V.M. Kokov.