Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 70

UDC: 631.87:633.11
GSNTI: 68.33.29

Use of sedimental fertilizer for winter wheat productivity increase

Grain production occupies the main place in the Agrarian and Industrial Complex, its gross yield is one of the most important indicators of intensification of agriculture. Obtaining a consistently high yield of grain crops is possible only if the soil fertility and its agrochemical indexes are improved. One of the ways to preserve soil fertility and increase the yield of crops is the widespread use of siderates. Therefore, in the current circumstances, it is especially important to develop methods for introducing various kinds of green fertilizers into production. Inclusion of siderates into the sowing area structure will make it possible to partially satisfy the requirements of all crop rotation crops in nitrogen and to stabilize crop yields. Sederation can have a significant effect on the soil nutritional regime, although there is no consensus on the part of sideration in the accumulation of available nutrients in the soil. It can be explained by the wide variety of soil-climatic conditions in the regions, different conditions of crops cultivation, the technology of embedding green fertilizers into the soil, the methods and terms of tillage. The paper gives an overview of the study results of siderial crops influence (sainfoin, rapeseed, mustard, chickpeas, cereals-bean mixture) on the productivity and quality parameters of winter wheat. Usding sainfoin as a green fertilizer allows increasing nitrogen content in the soil. All types of siderates had a positive impact on the reserves of productive moisture and the yield of winter wheat.
Keywords: Siderates, nitrogen, winter wheat, yield, protein, protein collection, glue
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-70-54-58


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  1. Kravtsova Elena Vyacheslavovna, applicant, Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute FSBHEE "Donskoy SAU".