Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2018, № 70

UDC: 631.41
GSNTI: 68.33.01

Questions on use of remote methods for determination of concentration of phosphoruos in soil

It is noted that all questions on contribution of fertilizers on soil for increasing the production capability of field can be solved only after carrying out the test control of soil to determine the amount of nutrition elements existing in it. The major nutrition elements are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Soil test calibration is to be carried out for determination of dependence of level of correlation between test results and amount of grown products on contributed fertilizer. In the article the questions on modification of test calibration procedures and optimization of whole cycle of production growth taking into account the concentration of phosphorous in soil and amount of phosphorous fertilizer additionally contributed to soil are considered. Conditions for profitable agricultural activity and possibilities for removal of error in determination of concentration of phosphorus in soil by means of remote sensing are analyzed. It is shown that in order to determine the total amount of phosphorus in soil in the process of watering or drainage presence of information on content of phosphorus in the utilized water masses are required. Upon presence of Phosphorus in initial water to be used the suggested method and algorithm of measurements can be used, but upon absence of phosphorus good results can be achieved using the correlation relations between amount of phosphorus in used drainage water and in soil. The method and algorithm fordetermination of amount of phosphorus in soil are suggested where the results of measurements of content of phosphorus inwater and soil are used. The simplified variant of suggested method for case where the initial drainage water doesnt contain the phosphorus is suggested.
Keywords: Phosphorus, concentration, soil, distance methods
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-70-39-43


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  1. Aliyeva Sevda Salman gizi, postgraduate, National aerospace Agency, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  2. Kerimova Maya Isakhan gizi, Department "Instrument Engineering», Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry.