Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 69

UDC: 663.8:664.292]:613.2
GSNTI: 65.51.29

Vitamin and pectin containing beverages role in workers’ therapeutic and preventive nutrition

The problem of food enrichment with biologically active substances in production conditions is designed to reduce the risk of harmful substances influence, prevent various professional diseases and strengthen the protective functions of the body. The role of pectic substances, which are used for the production of non-alcoholic beverages, as natural radioprotectors, regulators of physiological and biochemical processes in human body, is constantly increasing. These drinks, designed on the basis of natural raw materials, show general health-improving properties in the body, correct water-salt metabolism and activity of vital systems, actively take part in the process of metabolism in the body. To provide a daily preventive dose of pectin substances, the fact that the content of pectic substances in beverage should not be less than 0,5% was taken into account. The obtained pectin extract contains mass concentration of pectic substances of more than 0,8%, mass fraction of solids of 2%, mass fraction of total sugar of 0,97%, mass fraction of "raw" protein of 1.24%, has a complexing ability for lead - 1.74 mg / ml. Along with this, pectin extract is the source of a whole complex of biologically active substances: macro- and microelements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Co, Mo, Sn, Al, V, Si, etc.), organic acids, amino acids, vitamins. The required concentration of pectic substances was achieved by adding pectin extract, and the amount of ascorbic acid was calculated as 70 % of the required daily needs of the human body and influence of pectic substances on the stability of ascorbic acid was determined. Studies have shown that the introduction of liquid hydrate-pectin in apple juice increases the conservation of vitamin C, i.e., the vitamin stability of such a solution is increased. Adding of pectic extract to juice in an amount of 50% with a total content of alcohol-soluble pectic substances 0.3-0.4%, increases the stability of ascorbic acid. Moreover, with increasing of shelf life, the stability of ascorbic acid in the presence of pectin substances is also increased.
Keywords: Professional diseases, biologically active substances, beverages, pectin, ascorbic acid
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-69-309-314


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  1. Inyukina Tatyana Andreevna, PhD in Engineering, associate professor of the health and safety department, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University”.