Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 68

UDC: 633.31/37.635.65
GSNTI: 68.35.29

The influence of plant predecessors and cultivation zone on symbiotic and photosynthetic activity of green peas

The purpose of the research was to substantiate the effectiveness of various techniques used to cultivate green peas in different ecological zones. The formation of highly productive green pea crops requires the regulation of numerous factors which determine the amount and quality of the crops. Agronomical and biological studies make it possible to obtain a significant material on individual factors which affect the photosynthetic and symbiotic activity of plant parts responsible for the formation of high yields. The study of the processes of green pea yields formation showed that high biological yields are obtained by optimizing the factors determining: the size and activity of the assimilative and symbiotic apparatus, the proportion of symbiotic fixed nitrogen of air in the formation of productivity and crop yield elements, and the use of the best predecessors and varieties in specific cultivation zones. Symbiotically fixed nitrogen of the air can significantly reduce the cost per unit of production; it reduces the likelihood of groundwater contamination by nitrates. In general, biological nitrogen provides the productivity of plants, saves mineral nitrogen, which is important both in economic terms and in terms of ecology.
Keywords: Green peas, plant predecessors, varieties, biological nitrogen, area of cultivation, yield
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-68-106-111


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  1. Nazarova Asiyat Arsenovna, graduate student, Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named V.M. Kokov.
  2. Knyazev Boris Muzakirovich, Dr. of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named V.M. Kokov.