Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 67

UDC: 634.141:551.58(477.75)
GSNTI: 68.35.59

The interrelation of the Chenomeles productivity with abiotic factors of environment

It is the analysis of the relationship between yield and flowering degree of two model Chaenomeles genotypes, with an average air temperature and rainfall at different stages of crop formation from the inception of the generative buds to fruit ripening in the southern coast of Crimea. The flowering degree has a strong influence on the value of the сhaenomeles crop (r=0,68-0,72). The amount of precipitation in the flowering period (r=-0,39-0,5) and the average daily air temperature during the period of fruit formation (r=0,4-0,42) have a significant impact on productivity of both breeding forms. The yield of the form P3/4 depends on meteorological factors more than in P5/5. In addition to the above factors, the average daily air temperature during the flowering period (r=0.59) and the amount of rainfall in the fruits ripening (r=-0,54) also have an impact on it. The influence of meteorological factors on the flowering degree of both forms is ambiguous. This characteristic at P3/4 is most dependent on the impact of the amount of rainfall during the inception of the generative buds. In addition, there is a tendency for it to depend on the average daily air temperatures in the warm and hot months, when the fruit is formed and ripened, and the generative buds begin to develop (r = 0,38 ... 0,32 and 0,33). The amount of precipitation during the flowering period (r = 0,46) and during fruit ripening (r= -0,45) has the greatest influence on the flowering intensity of P5/5.
Keywords: Сhaenomeles, productivity, breeding form, meteorological factors, correlation
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-67-88-91


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  1. Komar-Tyomnaya Larisa Dmitrievna, Phd. (biol.), Senior Research, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of southern fruit crops, FBBUN ''Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences''.