Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 67

UDC: 634.2:631.526:631.527.8
GSNTI: 65.38.03

Innovative methods in creation of the initial material and its use in the selection process of stone fruits cultures

At Krymsk Experiment Breeding Station VIR developed and applied in practice a system of pre-breeding (prebreeding) with the inclusion of genotypes of stone fruit plants in programs for breeding new varieties and rootstocks of cherries, cherries, plums, apricots and peaches. Isolated from the genetic diversity or synthesized as a result of pre-selection of donors of selective-significant characteristics. A genetic collection of stone fruit plants was created. As a result of genomic, genealogical and chromosomal analysis, complex donors are recommended for use, successfully used in practical breeding. On their basis, a number of new varieties and rootstocks of stone fruit crops were included in the State Register of Selection Achievements of the Russian Federation: the russian plum - Kubanskaia cometa, Gek (the donor - the Chinese plum Skoroplodnaya), Podarok of Sad-Gigantu, Almaz, Dynnaia, (donor - Chinese plum Gigant); plum home - the Kubanskaia legenda, Vengerka novaia (the donor - plum Renklod Altana); clonal rootstocks VSL-1, VSL-2-2, RVL-9 (the donor - cherry Lannesa №2) and a number of others. It is proposed to transfer species of section Microcerasus from the subgenus Cerasus and the subgenus Prunophora, the species of section Amygdalopsis from the subgenus Amygdalus to the subgenus Prunophora; species P. maackii from the subgenus Padus to the subgenus Cerasus, the section of Cerasus, which allows more efficient use of these species in the interspecific hybridization of stone fruit plants. Amendments have been made to the system of the genus Prunus L. due to the change in the position of the species of the sections Microcerasus, Amygdalopsis, and also of the species Prunus maackii Rupr. The importance of introgressive hybridization in the formation of a complex of features of a number of species is considered. The origin of polyploid varieties of stone fruits is specified. A hypothesis of a hybridogenic origin of a number of stone fruit crops, including polyploid ones, is proposed.
Keywords: Selection, hybrid, species, genotype, stone cultures, donor, incompatibility, trait
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-67-52-59


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  1. Eremin Gennadiy Viktorovich, Dr. of Agricultural sciences., Academician of RAS, head. Department of genetic resources and selection of fruit and berry crops and grapes, Branch Crimean experimental-selection station; FSBSI "Federal Research Center All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after N.I. Vavilov ".