Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 67

UDC: 630*165.6
GSNTI: 68.47.03

Balsam Poplars Variety Testing Results in Central Chernozem Area

The 40-years observation of survival, growth and productivity on various balsam poplars’ species and clones in Semiluksky populetum from Voronezh region are presented. The soil is typical Chernozem; the subsoil water level is 4-5 m. The plant arrangement is 4½5 m, the number of repeating sites is 4. In every repeating site the clones’ rows arrangement is randomized and in every row the number of ramets is six. Therefore every clone is represented by 24 plants on the 480 m2 of nutrition space (20 m2½6 ramets½4 repeating sites). The planting was made by stem cuttings in the spring of 1974. Nowadays the 10 of 12 planted balsam poplar clones have been survived. The average of balsam poplars totality has been taken as a comparison control. The survival of balsam poplars majority had been rather high and in 30-years it was 90-100%, except of P. balsamifera-X6, P. maximowiczii-86 and P. trichocarpa-135 which indices were rather low. The P. simonii-№№ 85 and 133 had been shown the highest survival (in the age of 30 it was 98-100%. Also they had been included in the most productive balsam poplars group in the age of quantitative yielding which had been settled in the age of 25-26 years. The best growth and productivity results had been shown by the P. trichocarpa №№ 45, 83, 84 and P. simonii №№ 85, 133. In the age of quantitative yielding their average height was 27.1-28.3 m, average diameter - 31-32, cm, stem volume - 0,80-0,88 m3, stock volume - 350-430 m3/ha and survival - 92-100%. At the same time the average totality indices were the next: survival - 68%, average height - 26,2 m, average diameter - 31,8 cm, stem volume - 0,83 m3 and the stock volume - 329 m3/ha. At a whole the balsam poplars observed in the report can be used either in forest plantations or in shelterbelt forest stands. Furthermore the male clones of P. simonii can be used in the ornamental stands of the cities.
Keywords: Balsam poplars, growth, survival, productivity, quantitative yielding
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-67-289-296


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  1. Tsarev Anatoly Petrovich, Dr. of Agricultural Sciences. Sciences, Professor, Head, Laboratory, FBBUN "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Forest Genetics, Selection and Biotechnology".
  2. Tsareva Raisa Petrovna, art. Sci. Employee, FBBUN "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Forest Genetics, Selection and Biotechnology".
  3. Tsarev Vadim Anatolyevich, Phd. Agricultural sciences, Associate Professor, Art. Sci. Employee, FBBUN "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Forest Genetics, Selection and Biotechnology".