Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 67

UDC: 634.55:631.547.66:581.192
GSNTI: 33.03.24

Dynamics of dry substance concentration in the almond fruit during ripening

The almond cultivars used for making industrial plantations in the Crimea are characterized with the late ripening, as a rule in the middle of April. In this way even simultaneously blooming cultivars have variations in ripening. Difference can make up to three weeks. That`s very important to understand on which stage of ripening dry substance concentration approaches to the most intensive point, if it varies for cultivars with different ripening term. In the course of the research two hybrid forms - Nikitsky № 1189 (early ripening) and Nikitsky № 2857 (late ripening) - were chosen to investigate dynamics of dry substance concentration. It was found out that an almond fruit weight changes insignificantly in June and July, mainly depends upon moisture in a pericarp. Study of the shell specific weight revealed percentage of dry substance in a shell content steadily increases as far as a nut ripens. The dry substance concentration in a shell of Nikitsky № 1189 unevenly increases up to the ripening. During the vegetative period dry substance concentration in an almond kernel steadily rises. Since the third decade of July rate of dry substances accumulation in a kernel of the early ripening cultivar Nikitsky № 1189 considerably excels this parameter of Nikitsky № 2857.
Keywords: Almond, dry substance concentration, pericarp, shell, kernel
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-67-285-288


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  1. Chernobay Irina Georgievna, Ph D. in agriculture degree, FBBUN «Nikita botanical gardens - National Scientific Center of RAS».