Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 67

UDC: 634.51:631.526.3:581.47
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Studying the morphological variability of fruits and evaluating the perspective graces of walnut

A study of the morphological variability of walnut (Juglans regia L.) was carried out on ten varieties cultivars bred in Nikita Gardens. The arrangement of plants in the collection garden is 12 ½ 12 m, companion crop is peach. Soil content is black steam without irrigation; agricultural technology is generally accepted for the region. During the research the following indicators were determined: spreading of the covering scales; beginning of stamen flowersgrowth; beginning of mixed buds growth; mass flowering; fruit - form of longitudinal section in three directions, size and mass, maturity period; kernel - mass, fullness and percentage yield; shell - color, surface structure and thickness; the time of leavesfalling; safety of the pericarpshell. The results indicate a high degree of variability in the characteristics analyzed: 87% of the fruit, 84% of the fetal thickness, 83% of the shell thickness, 81% of the kernel yield, 76% of the kernel, 70% of the length and width of the fetus, Pericarp on the tree after the fall of the fruit - 70%. Positive correlations between the kernel mass and the fruit mass (r = 0,826), between the kernel mass and the shell thickness (r = 0,299) were determined. A high positive correlation exists between the fruit mass and its linear dimensions. The metameric variability of the morphological characteristics of walnut fruits within the plant crown has been studied.
Keywords: Walnut, cultivar, signs, heritability, correlation dependence
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-67-273-277


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  1. Khokhlov Sergey Yurievich, PhD. agricultural Sciences, Head of subtropical, FBBUN ''Nikita Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center Russian Academy of Science''.