Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 67

UDC: 668.536:543.544
GSNTI: 68.35.37: 68.35.03

Methods of identifying sclareol content in the raw material of Salvia sclarea L. and in products of its processing

The raw material of sage (Salvia sclarea L.) in addition to the essential oil contains sclareol - diterpene glycol, which is used for obtaining natural ambergris (fragrance fixative) substitute and a number of pharmaceuticals. There are few methods of quantitative determination of sclareol in plants and in essential oil products (weight method, gas chromatography method using absolute calibration, and HPLC). Though, well-known methods are quite time consuming and do not have sufficient accuracy. Hence, the development of new methodology of quantitative determination of sclareol is an urgent task both in theoretical and practical aspects. Results of experimental research to develop a gas chromatography methodology of quantitative determination of sclareol content in the raw material of sage and in the products of its processing (miscella, concrete, essential oil) together with adequate usage of internal standard are presented in the article. This method allows to obtain the most reliable results compared to weight method and method of absolute calibration in gas chromatography. The conducted studies have shown that the maximum content of sclareol (61,3-72,7%) was during the phase of mass flowering for all studied varieties (cultivars) of sage except Ai-Todor. It is stated that accumulation of sclareol in the plants of sage increased from the phase stem extension- flower-bud formation to the phase of mass flowering, but it decreased to the stage of technical ripeness by 0,8-4,2%. The content of sclareol, in case of Ai-Todor variety, reached its maximum value during the phase of technical ripeness. Concrete, which was obtained from the plant of sage during the phase of regrowth, did not contain any sclareol. Due to this fact it is necessary to mention that observed varietal differences during the accumulation of sclareol in sage during the period of vegetation should be taken into account in defining the terms of harvesting of essential oil raw material.
Keywords: Sage (Salvia sclarea L.), gas chromatography method, raw material, concrete, miscella, essential oil, internal standard
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-67-249-254


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  1. Timasheva Lidia Alekseevna, Phd. Agricultural sciences, Senior Research, department head, Federal State Institution of Science "Research Institute of Agriculture of the Crimea".
  2. Pekhova Olga Antonovna, Phd. Agricultural sciences, Leading Researcher, Federal State Institution of Science "Research Institute of Agriculture of the Crimea".
  3. Danilova Irina Lvovna, Research Scientist, Federal State Institution of Science "Research Institute of Agriculture of the Crimea".