Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 67

UDC: 634.4 : 635.07 : 635.92
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Barbaris selection in the European part of Russia

At present, there is a growing need to grow non-traditional garden crops, in particular barberry - not only as decorative, medicinal, but berry bushes. Because of its rich biochemical and elemental composition, barberry has therapeutic and prophylactic properties: due to the vitamin C and P contained in the fruits, barberry prevents cardiovascular disease, beriberi. The purpose of this work is to evaluate new varieties of barberry on a set of valuable economic and biological characteristics, with the selection of sources for selection and production. The article presents materials on the introduction of barberry species in the European part of Russia, among the populations of which new varieties are identified - Apollon, Ermolai, Galina, Tema and Donets, which show high resistance to unfavorable environmental factors, have stable productivity and high fruit quality, are resistant to Diseases and pests. Varieties are used for all types of processing, decorative gardening: for creating a hedge and in landscape compositions. The Apollo variety has a late onset of ripening. Grade Ermolai average maturity. Variety Galina and Donets early maturity. Variety of the Theme of late maturity. A comparison of the phenological phases of the species forms showed that all varieties in time pass through the main phenological phases (the beginning of vegetation, flowering, fruiting and leaf fall). Ermolai (3,5 kg / bush) had a high yield. With the highest content of ascorbic acid, the grade Ermolai (40,7 mg%) was isolated, the lowest grade was Tyoma (11,8 mg%). According to the content of anthocyanins (186,8 mg%), the variety of Tyoma exceeded all others. According to the content of sugars (10.5%) and dry soluble substances (15,2%), Ermolai was isolated in the fruits.
Keywords: Barberry, varieties, fruits, sugars, anthocyanins, dry soluble substances
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-67-219-223


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  1. Sorokopudov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Dr. of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, leading Scientist, FGBUN All-Russian Selection and Technology Institute of Horticulture and Nursery.
  2. Sorokopudova Olga Anatolievna, Dr. of Biol. Sci., Professor, FGBUN All-Russian Selection and Technology Institute of Horticulture and Nursery.
  3. Zhilenko Vilena Yurevna, Phd. of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Management "NIU BelSU".
  4. Myachikova Nina Ivanovna, Phd. Tech. Sci., Assistant professor, Institute of Management "NIU BelSU".