Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 67

UDC: 634.14:58.032 (477.75)
GSNTI: 34.31.15

Water regime peculiarities of chaenomeles seedlings of various species in conditions of water stress in the South of Crimea

Culture of chaenomeles (Chaenomeles Lindl.) has a large areal introduction thanks to wide ecological plasticity. Fruits have a unique biochemical composition and are a valuable raw material for the food, pharmaceutical, perfume industry. Factors adversely affecting the condition plants and yields when growing chaenomeles as fruit culture Crimean are deficiency of soil moisture and high temperatures in the growing season. Therefore, an important area of breeding of chaenomeles on the South Coast is the selection of drought-resistant models that can save breeds quality and give a full crop with limited irrigation. As a result, few studies conducted on the basis of collection spaces NBS - NSC during the summer period, identified characteristic features of the water regime seedlings of chaenomeles different species belonging (relating to Ch spesiosa, Ch chinensis, Ch x superba). Based on the analysis of a complex of indicators highlighted selection forms, with high adaptive capacity to endure stress conditions created by the influence of climatic conditions of the South Coast, and the ability to carry out normal physiological processes: Ch. x superba Fire Dance, Ch. spesiosa Nivalis and forms Ch. spesiosa A10, A8, A5, A2. Resistant to drought manifestations of complex plants can be successfully used in the field of ornamental horticulture, introduction, for further breeding and wide introduction into production. Further research will make it possible to identify the most promising genotypes for growing in the southern regions, taking into account their microclimatic features, on the basis of drought resistance, and to provide practical recommendations on the selection of the assortment that is most suitable for a certain ecological and geographical zone.
Keywords: Chaenomeles, water regime, water-retaining ability, water deficit, turgor, osmotic pressure, drought resistance
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-67-204-207


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  1. Pilkevich Ruslana Adolfovna, Ph. Biol. Sc., Senior Researcher, Laboratory of reproduction biology and physiology of plants, FВBUN “Nikita Botanical Garden - National Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences“.