Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 67

UDC: 634.63:631.526.3:577.15
GSNTI: 31.31.15

Seasonal dynamics of ascorbic acid accumulation and ascorbate oxidase activity changes in some Olea europaea L. cultivars

The olive tree (Olea europaea L.) has long been cultivated on the Southern Coast of the Crimea. The climatic conditions make it possible to obtain good harvests, however, negative winter temperatures can cause significant plant damage. In this regard the problem of biochemical parameters identifying of olive cultivars resistance to low temperatures is topical. One of the most important parameters of stability is the complex interaction of ascorbic acid and ascorbate oxidase. The aim of the work was to study the dynamics of ascorbic acid accumulation and changes in the ascorbate oxidase activity occurring in the vegetative organs of some European olives in the Southern Coast of the Crimea climatic conditions. The objects of the study: frost-resistant grade Nikitskaya, medium-resistant - Askolyano, frost-resistant - Razzo, Koreagiolo and subspecies O. europaea subsp. cuspidata. The content of ascorbic acid was determined by iodometric titration, ascorbate oxidase by the amount of oxidized ascorbic acid in the potassium iodate presence. The seasonal dynamics of the ascorbic acid content and the ascorbate oxidase activity in the tissues of olive leaves with different frost resistance degrees was studied. During the study period (from June 2016 to March 2017), the content of ascorbic acid and the activity of ascorbate oxidase varied wavily. The maximum ascorbic acid concentrations were fixed against the background of minimum enzymatic activity values in the active vegetative growth period. There was no clear correlation between the change of the ascorbic acid concentration, the ascorbate oxidase activity and the resistance degree of the cultivars under study. Among the cultivars studied, the least hardy subspecies O. europaea subsp. cuspidate by the level of ascorbic acid accumulation and changes in the ascorbata oxidase activity was distinguished.
Keywords: Olea europaea, frost resistance, ascorbic acid, ascorbate oxidase activity
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-67-199-203


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  1. Paliy Anfisa Evgenievna, Phd. Biol. Sciences, head. Laboratory of biochemistry, FВBUN “Nikita Botanical Garden - National Science Center RAS“.
  2. Grebennikova Oksana Anatolievna, Phd. Biol. Sciences, art. Scientific. Associate, FВBUN “Nikita Botanical Garden - National Science Center RAS“.
  3. Paliy Ivan Nikolaevich, Phd. Biol. Sciences, art. Scientific. Associate, FВBUN “Nikita Botanical Garden - National Science Center RAS“.
  4. Gubanova Tatyana Borisovna, Phd. Biol. Sciences, art. Scientific, FВBUN “Nikita Botanical Garden - National Science Center RAS“.