Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 67

UDC: 582.632: 581.132: 581.52
GSNTI: 34.31.15

Addiction the intensity of photosynthesis in Laurus nobilis L. from environmental factors (Ta, I-PAR., Da.), leaf temperature, transpiration and their chance during the growing season in the conditions of the south coast

The dependence of the intensity of visible photosynthesis of Laurus nobilis L. apparent photosynthesis by environmental factors (Ta, I-PAR, Da.), Leaf temperature, transpiration, and their change in the course of the growing season. Showing photosynthetic response functions on environmental factors in the three-dimensional coordinate system is in the form of a convex surface with a peak at the top, which made it possible for Laurus nobilis L. obtain numerical koeffitsienty nonlinear regression uravneny relationships (models) the value of net photosynthesis with major foreign environment, as well as temperature and leaf transpiration. The data make it possible to interpret the rate of photosynthesis as a potential ecological and physiological characteristics of the species, which in turn, allows you to compare different types of plants growing under similar conditions, in terms of measured using the same technique. Laurus nobilis L. has a high photo synthetic capacity for acclimatization to the high temperature. When the air temperature above the optimum intensity of photosynthesis drops sharply. Analysis of the results of our research showed that Laurus nobilis L. It is 32оС. The optimum value Pn during August-October declined by 21%, transpiration intensity value of 40% -on, -on temperature of 16%, humidity deficit -on 87,14%, leaf temperature -on 26% and light PAR-on 17,8%. Studies confirm the reasons for these changes: changes in the vegetation period of the plant, the climatic conditions, the leaves of aging lead to a shift in temperature and light intensity of photosynthesis optima.
Keywords: Laurus nobilis L, the visible intensity of photosynthesis, light-temperature optima, ecological and physiological characteristics
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-67-166-173


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  1. Pashtetskiy Andrey Vladimirovich, PhD, head of the department, FBBUN “Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center of the RAS”.
  2. Plugatar Yuriy Vladimirovich, Dr Agricultural sciences, director, FBBUN “Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center of the RAS”.
  3. Ilnitskiy Oleg Antonovich, Dr Sc, Senior researcher, head of laboratory, FBBUN “Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center of the RAS”.
  4. Korsakova Svetlana Pavlovna, PhD, Senior researcher, FBBUN “Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center of the RAS”.
  5. Kovalev Maksim Sergeevich, Scientific assistant, FBBUN “Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center of the RAS”.
  6. Gil Alexandr Tarasovich, Scientific assistant, FBBUN “Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center of the RAS”.